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Sunday, April 25, 2010

│ NATIONAL JOURNAL Economy - Finance - Business

│ NATIONAL JOURNAL Economy - Finance - Business

Forestry Economic growth dropped 30-fold
Forestry sub-sector economic growth in the first quarter of 2009 dropped 30-fold compared to the quarter-IV in 2008, from minus 0.53 percent to minus 16.07 percent. "This follows the trend of economic growth in the forestry sub-sector in the first quarter in the last three years (2006-2008)," said Vanda Mutia Dewi, National Coordinator Greenomics Indonesia in its official statement in Jakarta, yesterday.

Vanda said the economic growth rate of minus 16.07 percent was obtained based on the value growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the forestry sub-sector in 2000 constant prices in the period fourth quarter 2008 and first quarter 2009. Value each quarter Rp4, 3 trillion and Rp3, 61 trillion.

According to him, this shows for the first quarter-2009 has been no decrease in the formation of the production value of goods and services from these sub-sectors amounted to Rp692 billion.

He said, if you use the forestry sub-sector GDP value at current prices, during the first quarter-2009, the settlement was reached Rp1, 53 trillion to Rp9, 55 trillion.

Economic growth in the forestry subsector positive return every second quarters during the last three years. Dijelasakannya, theoretically, these conditions show the added value of goods and services produced from the forestry sub-sector began to move. However, in the third quarter economic growth of the forestry sub-sector re-minus. "Except in the third quarter of 2008 and which is positive. Economic growth in this subsector returned minus the fourth quarter," he revealed.
He mentioned, movement of the forestry sub-sector economic growth during the last three years have similar characteristics with a repeating pattern. The audit report Audit Agency (BPK) shows the findings of manipulation of timber felled. According to him, is clearly detrimental to the manipulation mode recording of the forestry sub-sector contribution to GDP.

Vanda said the forestry sub-sector economic growth minusnya allegedly can not be separated from the practice of manipulation of timber felled. As proof, the forestry sub-sector economic growth during 2006 to 2008 continued to decline.

"As long as this practice is not addressed comprehensively, the forestry sub-sector economic growth will not achieve a cumulative positive effect on every year. Although the forestry business climate improved," he said.

He said it asked the Ministry of Forestry needs to explore the practice of manipulation of the timber harvest. According to him, should not continue to damage forests, but economic growth also contributed by the forestry sub-sector continued to plunge. "It's because they do not leak her name listed in the forestry sub-sector GDP," said Vanda.

JURNAL NASIONAL │ Ekonomi - Keuangan - Bisnis

Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Kehutanan Anjlok 30 Kali Lipat
PERTUMBUHAN ekonomi subsektor kehutanan pada triwulan I-2009 anjlok 30 kali lipat dibanding triwulan -IV 2008, dari minus 0,53 persen menjadi minus 16,07 persen. "Ini mengikuti tren pertumbuhan ekonomi subsektor kehutanan pada triwulan I dalam tiga tahun terakhir (2006-2008)," kata Vanda Mutia Dewi, Koordinator Nasional Greenomics Indonesia dalam keterangan resminya di Jakarta, kemarin.

Vanda mengatakan, angka pertumbuhan ekonomi sebesar minus 16,07 persen tersebut diperoleh berdasarkan pertumbuhan nilai Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) dari subsektor kehutanan harga konstan tahun 2000 pada periode triwulan IV 2008 dan triwulan I 2009. Nilai masing-masing triwulan sebesar Rp4,3 triliun dan Rp3,61 triliun.

Menurutnya, hal ini menunjukkan selama triwulan I-2009 telah ada penurunan pembentukan nilai produksi barang dan jasa dari subsektor tersebut sebesar Rp692 miliar.

Dia mengatakan, jika menggunakan nilai PDB subsektor kehutanan pada harga berlaku, selama triwulan I-2009, penurunannya mencapai Rp1,53 triliun menjadi Rp9,55 triliun.

Pertumbuhan ekonomi pada subsektor kehutanan kembali positif setiap triwulan II selama tiga tahun terakhir. Dijelasakannya, secara teoritis, kondisi tersebut menunjukkan nilai tambah atas barang dan jasa yang dihasilkan dari subsektor kehutanan mulai bergerak. Namun, pada triwulan III pertumbuhan ekonomi subsektor kehutanan kembali minus. "Kecuali pada triwulan III tahun 2008 lalu yang memang positif. Pertumbuhan ekonomi subsektor ini kembali minus pada triwulan IV," katanya mengungkapkan.
Disebutkannya, pergerakan pertumbuhan ekonomi subsektor kehutanan selama tiga tahun terakhir memiliki karakteristik yang mirip dengan pola yang berulang. Laporan audit Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) memperlihatkan temuan-temuan manipulasi tebangan kayu. Menurutnya, modus manipulasi tersebut jelas merugikan pencatatan kontribusi subsektor kehutanan terhadap PDB.

Vanda mengatakan, minusnya pertumbuhan ekonomi subsektor kehutanan diduga kuat juga tidak terlepas dari adanya praktik manipulasi tebangan kayu. Sebagai bukti, pertumbuhan ekonomi subsektor kehutanan selama 2006 hingga 2008 terus menurun.

"Sepanjang praktik ini tidak ditangani secara komprehensif, maka pertumbuhan ekonomi subsektor kehutanan tidak akan mencapai positif secara kumulatif pada setiap tahun berjalan. Walaupun iklim bisnis kehutanan diperbaiki," katanya.

Dia mengatakan, pihaknya meminta Menteri Kehutanan perlu menelusuri praktik manipulasi tebangan kayu tersebut. Menurutnya, jangan sampai hutan terus rusak, tapi pertumbuhan ekonomi yang disumbangkan oleh subsektor kehutanan juga terus anjlok. "Ini kan namanya kebocoran karena tidak tercatat dalam PDB subsektor kehutanan," kata Vanda.

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